Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 0

I know I said in April I was going to start over and make this blog a tracker for myself. Obviously didn't work.

Well, I'm doing it now. This blog will be a goal maker. There are two goals I have that I want to meet by the end of 2009. Seeing that It's the Fall season on Tuesday, I don't have much time to make these goals come to reality, but this will make me do it.

Goal 1: I will lose 15 pounds. Last year, I lost 20 pounds going from 190 to 170. I felt so great. Granted, I had quite a ways to go, but it was an amazing start. I should explain how I lost that weight. I went to the gym everyday, twice a day. I worked out for two hours a day and monitored my diet like the government monitors Iraq. It was insane. Well, then in January, I got a job. A fabulous job. It was because of this job I stopped going to the gym as much, and instead of cooking, I would just go out. It was a fast transition to doing a 15-20 hour internship to a 40 hour work week. But in the last 9.5 months, I've gained 15 of the lost pounds back. Thank God, not the whole 20, but still, 15 is unacceptable. Needless to say, I want it back off by my birthday. Galen and I both will work out until we turn green or turn super skinny :).

Goal 2: To finish my book. As I mentioned, I got a job. I got a job in publishing erotica. Since the sixth grade I've been a fan of erotica. I remember the book even that got me started: Olivia by V.C. Andrews. I picked it up because Olivia was my best friend at the time. After I read the first (now I realize PG) sex scene, I was hooked. I read a book by V.C. Andrews every week getting me the reading award in sixth grade. Little did Mrs. Hesse know, I was reading sex. Ah well, needless to say, I started a book for my company and am only 32 pages in. I want it finished by Christmas. It's a trilogy. Anyway, those are my two goals.

For next year, my goals are to finish Claire once and for all and submit it to AFF. I plan to lose another 20 lbs. I will read more. I have my own personal book store in my apartment, and I want to read all of the books. Anyway.

This is what it is, other than my rambling. I'm buying a scale tomorrow. I'm going back to I'm going to the gym at 530-630 every morning from now on. When I come home, I'm cooking dinner and working out here. I will get my weight off. I will.

I read a while ago that Mondays are the best for starting a habit. So, tomorrow, Monday, September 21st will be day one in my make over. It will happen.

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